Posted by Maris on 17th Oct 2023
Fun Facts About Caber Toss - the Most Challenging Scottish Highland Game
The Scottish Highland Games are an important part of Scotland's rich history. Every spring and summer, locations throughout Scotland commemorate this historic cultural occasion. Every game puts competitors' strength and stamina to the test. The Caber Toss is the most impressive and demanding of these.
All things about Caber Toss game
The History of Caber Toss
The earliest historical Highland Games were held between 1031 and 1093 to select a royal messenger for King Malcolm III. The tournament was so popular since this individual should be the fastest in Scotland. There are numerous legends about the invention of the caber toss. Caber toss as a discipline was first described in the 16th century, notably in 1574. It wasn't just about strength; accuracy was also vital, and it's still the most significant component of caber throwers today.

How to properly execute caber tossing technique
- First, make sure you have enough strength to lift and hold the caber. After that, pivot it with your clasped hands at the bottom. Remember to raise the caber vertically and avoid tiling it. You should ideally have a partner who can assist you in making the caber stand straight.
- Second, begin running a short distance until you reach the required point. This is where your endurance comes into play.

- Then, using your hips and legs, drive up the caber with your hands before releasing it into the air.
- Lastly, the caber should perform a straight flip with its larger end as close to the ground as possible. People call this "12 o'clock position".
Judges will look at how accurately the caber was tossed as well as how accurately it was landed, which will affect the final result of the caber tossers.
Two common missteps: Timing and Pulling
Professionals normally advise pulling as soon as the caber leaves your shoulder. Throw the shoulder forward before the caber leaves the shoulder when running. It should cause the caber's top to accelerate, allowing it to rotate and fall faster.

Pull the caber upward, not away from you. The most typical error is to stop your hands too soon, at the level of your chest. You should push strong and rapidly without halting your hands to attain a better result. Furthermore, if you can jump while caber tossing, your chances of success skyrocket.
Some interesting Caber Toss facts
- Caber tossing is more than just a Scottish festival of strength. It is widely observed and celebrated in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States of America. Find out the most popular sports in Canada.
- The caber, made of Larch tree wood, is typically soaked in water before the competition to add weight.
- The caber toss was so popular in Arkansas in 1927 that many people tried to obtain a caber for themselves. Some even stole telephone poles, rendering some parts of the state unable to communicate with the outside world.
- Anyone competing in the Highland Games should wear a kilt, which is a traditional Scottish men's skirt.
- Despite the fact that the majority of caber tossers are men, athletic women have also had significant success in popularizing caber tossing.

Another famous Scottish Highland Games
The Scottish Highland Games are also well-known for their distinctive sporting and athletic events, many of which involve throwing and lifting. Some of the traditions and characteristics of Highland games include:
- The Hammer Throw is an Olympic track and field event that involves throwing a heavy weight attached to the end of a wire for distance.
- Shot Put - Competitors throw a large stone weighing between 20 and 26 pounds as far as they can.
- Tug O' War pits eight men against another eight-man team.
- Weight Over The Bar - competitors in this game must throw a weight over a raised bar.