Cameron Tartan: Everything About The Clan And Tartan

Posted by Anna on 31st Jan 2023

Cameron Tartan: Everything About The Clan And Tartan

The West Highland Scottish clan Cameron has many cadet branches in addition to its main branch, Lochiel. The highest peak in the British Isles, Ben Nevis, is located on the Clan Cameron holdings in Lochaber. Numerous individuals adore and are familiar with the Cameron tartan. So read on to learn more about Clan Cameron tartan.

What is the origin of the name Cameron?

Although the meaning of the name Cameron's origin has been forgotten over time, there are some theories. The first was that the clan's first leader was a Macgillonie or a member of the ancient Cameron family of Ballegarno in Fife.

Cameron Tartan Clan

The second theory holds that the name is derived from the former term "Camshron," which means "crooked nose." At the time, the chief felt as though this was a fairly personal insult. The last hypothesis holds that the clan's people are descendants of King Camchron, a Danish monarch.

Types of Cameron Tartan

Cameron Tartan

The Sobieskis Vestiarium Scoticum is where this Cameron tartan was found. They tried to make it sound authentic by describing it as "fovr stryppis of grein upon ane scarlatt field, and throughovt ye red sett ain strypp" in their own version of medieval English.

Cameron Modern Tartan. Buy products here.

While "contemporary" refers to deeper colors, "ancient" relates to dye tones, which are typically lighter.

Cameron of Erracht tartan

The lady of Donald Cameron created the Cameron of Erracht tartan in 1793 for the 79th regiment that her son General sir Allan Cameron had established. She objected to the Black Watch tartan being used by their unit. According to legend, her tartan is a hybrid of the Keppoch MacDonell and the Cameron (her family).

Cameron of Erracht Ancient Tartan. Buy products here.

Cameron of Erracht Modern Tartan. Buy products here.

Cameron of Erracht Weathered Tartan. Buy products here.

While "contemporary" refers to deeper colors, "ancient" relates to dye tones, which are typically lighter.

The term "weathered" relates to the dye colors that were developed in the 1950s to imitate a tartan fragment that was allegedly discovered buried on a historic battlefield.

Cameron of Lochiel tartan

Among the Cameron tartans, the Cameron of Lochiel tartan is most likely the oldest. The tartan was inspired by a 1764 painting of Donald Cameron of Lochiel, often known as Gentle Lochiel (c. 1700–1748). The sett in the painting has been discovered to be slightly different, although we are unsure if the painter made a mistake or if the one he portrayed is accurate. In the early 1800s, Wilsons discovered the design we are familiar with today.

Cameron of Lochiel Ancient Tartan. Buy products here.

Cameron of Lochiel Modern Tartan. Buy products here.

The phrase "modern" refers to dye shades, which are typically darker colors than "ancient" colors.

Clan territories

Locheil is surrounded by Clan Cameron territory, not far from the modern settlement of Fort William. If you're searching for a physical challenge, Ben Nevis, the tallest mountain in the British Isles, is located in Lochaber, sometimes known as "Cameron Country."

Ben Nevis

The Cameron clan's current residence is Achnacarry Castle, which they relocated to from Tor Castle in the 16th century under the leadership of Ewen "Eoghainn MacAilein" Cameron, XIII Chief of the Clan Cameron tartan.

The "Palm Sunday Massacre"

All of Clan Cameron's members arrived at their local church in 1412 for a day of prayer, but their adversaries in the area had other plans. Clan Cameron was assaulted by the Clan Chattan Confederation, which also included Clan Mackintosh, who also set fire to the chapel. The subsequent conflict was characterized by obstinacy and anger to the extent that the majority of the Mackintoshes and nearly the whole Cameron tribe were decimated. What the Camerons had done to deserve such a cruel death must be on your mind. Cattle were stolen!

Achnacarry Castle

Achnacarry Castle

The original Achnacarry Castle, which was first constructed in the Scottish Highlands between Loch Lochy and Loch Arkaig in 1655, was destroyed by fire in 1745 during the Jacobite Uprising. It took the Camerons until 1784 to reclaim it, and in 1802, the 22nd Chief Donald Cameron erected the new Achnacarry as a house in the Scottish baronial style, with James Gillespie as the architect.

Clan Cameron Museum

Clan Cameron Museum

In 1989, Sir Fitzroy Maclean of Dunconnell inaugurated the Clan Cameron Museum in Lochaber, which tells the history of the clan from the 14th century to the current day, including their involvement in the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745 and other events. Since then, the museum has welcomed visitors from all over the world. The founding of the Museum was warmly supported by the Clan globally, which generously contributed. Make sure to stop in if you are nearby Achnacarry!

The crest of the Cameron tartan clan

Cameron Clan Crest Tartan. Buy products here.

Five arrows strung together and pointing upwards make up the Cameron Clan Crest. The five Cameron clans of Letterfinlay, Glen Nevis, Callart, Erracht, and the Clunes are united in this image by the arrows. Gentle Lochiel's handgun and a silver snuffbox, which were made before 1745 and are still in use today, both bear the five-arrow crest engraving. The previous Dexter Arm crest, which is now used by the current Lochiel, has the phrase "Pro Rege et Patria," which is Latin for "For King and Country."

The Cameron Plant Badge

The Oak Quercus, also called the English Oak, is the symbol of the Clan Cameron. The oak, a native of western Europe, is the monarch of British forestry and currently sustains more life than any other species of native tree in the UK. It is unknown why this is the Cameron plant badge. However, some people think it has something to do with the Cameron family's earliest residence on Tree Island in Loch Eil.

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